Sangai Consultant Group Logo

 Connecting entrepreneurship with people,

environment & culture

You are a company

How can you implement an impactful, responsible, and sustainable marketing strategy to increase revenues?

Have you heard of conscious and ethical marketing?

Are you already implementing a 360° strategy?


Our solution: Promote local actions & put your end customer at the heart of your strategies

Responsible Business Development

If you've got an idea and the technical skills required for a product or service, we'll support you from market research to commercialization.

Optimization of your value chain

Your product or service is already available, but you want to increase your revenues further. We propose to optimize your value chain to make it effective and efficient.

Implementation of strategy and action plan

Successful business development requires concrete, precise action plans. We create them with you and help you implement them per your needs.

What is our approach?

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