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Connecting entrepreneurship with people,
environment and culture

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Implement conscious, responsible, and profitable business development

Choose a 360° strategy,
impactful and durable strategy

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Sangai my solution

Sangai supports NGOs, cooperatives, public bodies, associations, startups, and companies in promoting responsible marketing and commercial communications.

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Our Mission

It is to support and develop profitable, responsible, and creative business models, focusing on producers, consumers, and our environment.

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How can I increase my turnover while being responsible and sustainable?

Responsible, socially responsible, and fair production? 

    Optimize your revenues? 

    A positive, responsible sales strategy? 

    A responsible marketing action plan? 

    Implement your 360°, conscious, and sustainable marketing strategy.

    Put the customer experience at the heart of your actions?

How do you set up a viable and responsible IGA?

  • Develop IGAs with concrete impacts? 
  •     Find solutions to meet the UN's SDGs for 2030. 
  •     Develop responsible activities from production to the end customer. 
  •     Think about your market.. 
  •     Think about a conscious and inclusive sales and marketing strategy. 
  •     Make a long-term social and sustainable impact?

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